Hi there, hope everyone is surviving through assignment season!
Stitch Society are still hosting stitch events through this stressful time to give everyone a wee break away from work and deadlines.
We thought we would give everyone an update on what stich society has been up to in the past month and what we have planned next!
We’ve had our first collab of the year with the Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance society with stitching our own microbes. This collab was a lot of fun to take part in and helped to raise awareness for microbial resistance and to learn some stitching and embroidery skills while doing so.
Since then, we have been busy hosting Stitch n Bitches which have been more popular than ever. Giving people a space to craft and chat and let some of the stress of Uni melt away.
We have also hosted a Halloween event that we held in the QMU and there was some brilliant outfits and crafts!
For future events, there is a collab with the Macmillan society on the 14th of November in the GUU making lovely green hearts and raising money for a brilliant charity! All of us on the committee are very excited for everyone to come along!! There are more collabs to come so keep an eye on our social media for updates.
Final update, Stitch society now has a TikTok account run by our social media co-ordinator Jenny! So please give us a follow @stitchsoc on TikTok to keep up to date with our latest videos.
Hope to see everyone in the coming weeks,
The Stitch Society committee 23/24!!
